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“Play” Summer Has Arrived

On Friday, I took my last final, and my summer officially started. Seeing this summer as my last “play” summer (possible internship next summer and real life after that), I have high hopes and large goals to accomplish. With my focal points being seeing, learning, and changing, my intentions are to go out this summer and do just that: seeing what’s going on around me, learning what’s been so murky this semester, and changing what hasn’t been up to par in my life.

For the next month, my days will be spent in San Diego, exploring what I haven’t really had the opportunity to explore with school and track going on. My goal is to have a slight glimpse of seeing if San Diego is a place I could see myself staying after I graduate in 2 or 3 years. On the side, I’ll be speaking with some professors and exploring Theology. After I leave San Diego, I’ll be making my way up California, and then I begin exploring Oregon and maybe Washington and Canada. Growing up, I spent much time in my routine and failed to truly experienced these places I’ve been so near to.

This whole time, I will hopefully be meeting with professors and pastors in these various areas and learning about Theology and Philosophy to answer some of the obscure beliefs that I’ve been facing this past semester. Perhaps I will put together some sort of Q&A for them to provide a structure of conversation. I will be going through literary works such as Summa Theologica and The Monstrosity of Christ for supplement of these conversation. Then, I’ll be writing essays whichever topics I find worthy. Currently free will and possible prayer are on my mind, but my learning does not only consist of theological issues, but I also plan on practicing guitar constantly on top of piano to develop my musical talents as well.

Change is the most obscure of my goals because I don’t know exactly what I want changed, but I do know that I want this summer to change me personally, intellectually, socially, and spiritually (if that’s even applicable). To some extent, my other goals will be enough to cause some change in my life, and perhaps I will lead me to be more extroverted in the process. Well, I will have to give this goal more time, even though it’s the most important of all my goals.

Well, this blog is intended to be a place of experiences and progress as they become more evident. I would greatly appreciate those who Subscribe for Email Updates or choose to Follow me via Blogger over the summer. Feel free to place your input on any post which compels you even the slightest.

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